MAGIS-100 is a collaboration between Fermilab, Stanford University, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and about 10 other academic institutions. Funding has been received from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the U.K. Science and Technology Facilities Council, and the U.S. Department of Energy Quantum Information Science-Enabled Discovery (QuantISED) program. Jason Hogan, professor of physics at Stanford University, is the spokesperson for the MAGIS collaboration. Jim Kowalkowski of Fermilab serves as the project manager and Linda Valerio of Fermilab serves as the project engineer.

United States
Philip Adamson
Marcel Borcean
Steve Chappa
Swapan Chattopadhyay
(also at NIU)
Noah M Curfman
Mike Dinnon
Bill Dymond
Steve Geer
Steve R Hahn
Roni Harnik
Dirk Hurd
Ronald J Kellett
Mandy Kiburg
Jim Kowalkowski
Joseph D Lykken
Martin Murphy
Lucy E Nobrega
Alyssa Payleitner
Robert K Plunkett*
Dylan Temples
James K Santucci
Linda R Valerio
Arvydas Vasonis
Erik Voirin
Stanford University
Mahiro Abe
Evan Angelico
Samuel P Carman
Savas Dimopoulos
Benjamin E Garber
Peter W Graham
Jason M Hogan*
Yijun Jiang
Mark A Kasevich
Megan Nantel
Roger W. Romani
Jan Rudolph
Hunter Swan
Thomas Wilkason
Northwestern University, Center for Fundamental Physics
Zilin Chen
Kenneth DeRose
Tejas Deshpande
Jonah Glick
Tim Kovachy*
Natasha Sachdeva
Yiping Wang
The Johns Hopkins University
Surjeet Rajendran*
Northern Illinois University, Department of Physics
Swapan Chattopadhyay*
Old Dominion University, Department of Physics
Evan Angelico
(also at Stanford)
Sergei Nagaitsev*
(also at Jefferson Lab)
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Sanha Cheong
Josef C Frisch
Michael Kagan
Murtaza Safdari
Ariel G Schwartzman*
Maxine Vandegar
United Kingdom
University of Liverpool, Department of Physics
Kieran Bridges
Jonathon Coleman*
Gedminas Elertas
Leonie Hawkins
Sam Hindley
University of Cambridge, Cavendish Laboratory
Valerie Gibson*
Jeremiah Mitchell
University of Oxford, Clarendon Laboratory
Daniela Bortoletto
Christopher J Foot
John March-Russell
Ian Shipsey*
Daniel Weatherill
Daniel Wood
* Principal investigators